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Wardens |
Colonials |
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Scorched Victory Towns |
Darker map colors = more recent change, going back 5 days
Great March - Dendró Field Relic Base was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 434, 1738872721
Great March - Dendró Field Relic Base was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 434, 1738872601
Umbral Wildwood - The Gap Seaport was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 434, 1738872181
Umbral Wildwood - Sentry Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 434, 1738872181
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 434, 1738872181
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 434, 1738872061
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738871941
Kings Cage - The Manacle Hospital was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738871821
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738871821
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738871761
Great March - Dendró Field Relic Base was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 433, 1738871761
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738871641
Acrithia - Nereid Keep Storm Cannon was Built by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738871641
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738871581
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738871521
Acrithia - Swordfort Relic Base was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738871461
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Safehouse was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738871281
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738871281
Acrithia - Swordfort Relic Base was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738871281
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Town Base T1 was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738871221
Westgate - Handsome Hideaway Observation Tower was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738871221
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738871041
Acrithia - Swordfort Relic Base was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 433, 1738871041
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738870921
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Mortar House was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738870921
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Mortar House was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738870861
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Coastal Gun was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738870621
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Mortar House was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738870501
Westgate - Handsome Hideaway Observation Tower was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738870381
Acrithia - Swordfort Relic Base was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 433, 1738870321
Acrithia - Swordfort Relic Base was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 433, 1738870141
Acrithia - Swordfort Relic Base was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738869961
Acrithia - Riverlands Storm Cannon was Built by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738869301
Kings Cage - The Manacle Seaport was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738868881
Umbral Wildwood - Sentry Town Base T1 was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738868821
Acrithia - Riverlands Storm Cannon was Built by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738868762
Kings Cage - The Manacle Seaport was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738868701
Umbral Wildwood - Sentry Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 433, 1738868701
Acrithia - Riverlands Storm Cannon was Built by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738868402
Loch Mór - Tomb of the First Relic Base was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738868041
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Coastal Gun was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738867982
Great March - Sitaria Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 432, 1738867921
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Coastal Gun was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738867861
Loch Mór - Tomb of the First Relic Base was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738867861
Kings Cage - The Manacle Seaport was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738867801
Umbral Wildwood - The Gap Seaport was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738867801
Loch Mór - Tomb of the First Relic Base was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738867801
Great March - Sitaria Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 432, 1738867801
Loch Mór - Tomb of the First Relic Base was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738867741
Kings Cage - Eastknife Relic Base was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738867621
Kings Cage - Eastknife Relic Base was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738867441
Loch Mór - Tomb of the First Relic Base was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 432, 1738867441
Acrithia - Riverlands Storm Cannon was Built by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738867441
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Mortar House was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738867321
Great March - Sitaria Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738867261
Acrithia - Riverlands Storm Cannon was Built by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738867141
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Mortar House was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738867081
Umbral Wildwood - The Gap Seaport was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738866781
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Mortar House was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738866721
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Coastal Gun was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738866541
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Mortar House was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738865941
Acrithia - Swordfort Relic Base was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738865941
Umbral Wildwood - Sentry Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738865880
Kings Cage - Eastknife Relic Base was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738865821
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Mortar House was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738865821
Acrithia - Swordfort Relic Base was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738865761
Farranac Coast - Scythe Relic Base was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738865401
Farranac Coast - Scythe Relic Base was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738865281
Umbral Wildwood - Atropos' Fate Relic Base was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738865041
Umbral Wildwood - Atropos' Fate Relic Base was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 432, 1738864922
Umbral Wildwood - Atropos' Fate Relic Base was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 432, 1738864861
Terminus - The Phalanx Safehouse was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 431, 1738864801
Loch Mór - Tomb of the First Relic Base was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 431, 1738864801
Terminus - The Phalanx Safehouse was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 431, 1738864681
Acrithia - Nereid Keep Storm Cannon was Built by Colonials - Game Day 431, 1738864681
Terminus - The Phalanx Safehouse was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 431, 1738864621
Loch Mór - Tomb of the First Relic Base was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 431, 1738864621
Loch Mór - Tomb of the First Relic Base was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 431, 1738864561
Terminus - The Phalanx Safehouse was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 431, 1738864441
Loch Mór - Tomb of the First Relic Base was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 431, 1738864441
Westgate - Westgate Keep Oil Rig was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 431, 1738864381
Westgate - Westgate Keep Oil Rig was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 431, 1738864321
Loch Mór - Tomb of the First Relic Base was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 431, 1738864261
Acrithia - Nereid Keep Storm Cannon was Built by Colonials - Game Day 431, 1738864141
Terminus - The Phalanx Safehouse was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 431, 1738863961
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Mortar House was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 431, 1738863720
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Mortar House was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 431, 1738863661
Acrithia - Nereid Keep Storm Cannon was Built by Colonials - Game Day 431, 1738863661
Acrithia - Swordfort Relic Base was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 431, 1738863601
Umbral Wildwood - Stray Salvage Mine was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 431, 1738863542
Umbral Wildwood - Thunderfoot Mortar House was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 431, 1738863421
Umbral Wildwood - Stray Salvage Mine was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 431, 1738863421
Farranac Coast - Scythe Relic Base was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 431, 1738863301
Acrithia - Nereid Keep Storm Cannon was Built by Colonials - Game Day 431, 1738863241
Kings Cage - The Bailie Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 431, 1738862581
Kings Cage - The Bailie Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 431, 1738862461
Kings Cage - The Bailie Town Base T1 was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 431, 1738862401
Terminus - The Respite Safehouse was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 431, 1738862101
Terminus - The Respite Safehouse was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 431, 1738861921
Loch Mór - Mercy's Wish Shipyard was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 430, 1738861201
Loch Mór - Mercy's Wish Shipyard was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 430, 1738860841
Acrithia - Thetus Ring Town Base T1 was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 430, 1738860181
Acrithia - Thetus Ring Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 430, 1738860061
The Heartlands - Greenfield Orchard Storage Facility was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 430, 1738860001
Acrithia - Thetus Ring Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 430, 1738859761
Loch Mór - Mercy's Wish Shipyard was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 430, 1738859041
Acrithia - Thetus Ring Town Base T1 was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 430, 1738858861
Acrithia - Thetus Ring Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 430, 1738858741
Acrithia - Thetus Ring Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 430, 1738858141
The Linn of Mercy - The Prairie Bazaar Shipyard was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 429, 1738857601
The Linn of Mercy - The Prairie Bazaar Shipyard was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 429, 1738857481
The Heartlands - Greenfield Orchard Town Base T1 was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 429, 1738857481
The Heartlands - Greenfield Orchard Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 429, 1738857361
The Heartlands - Greenfield Orchard Town Base T1 was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 429, 1738857242
Umbral Wildwood - Sentry Salvage Mine was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 429, 1738857121
The Heartlands - Greenfield Orchard Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 429, 1738857121
Umbral Wildwood - Atropos' Fate Relic Base was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 429, 1738857061
Umbral Wildwood - Sentry Salvage Mine was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 429, 1738857061
The Heartlands - Greenfield Orchard Mortar House was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 429, 1738857061
The Heartlands - Greenfield Orchard Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 429, 1738857001
Umbral Wildwood - Atropos' Fate Relic Base was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 429, 1738856941
The Heartlands - Greenfield Orchard Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 429, 1738856941
The Linn of Mercy - The River Mercy Shipyard was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 429, 1738856882
Loch Mór - Mercy's Wish Shipyard was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 429, 1738856761
Terminus - Rising Loom Safehouse was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 429, 1738856701
Loch Mór - Mercy's Wish Shipyard was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 429, 1738856701
Terminus - Rising Loom Safehouse was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 429, 1738856521
Terminus - Rising Loom Safehouse was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 429, 1738856521
Terminus - Rising Loom Safehouse was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 429, 1738856342
The Linn of Mercy - The Prairie Bazaar Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 429, 1738855981
The Linn of Mercy - The Prairie Bazaar Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 429, 1738855861
Loch Mór - Mercy's Wish Shipyard was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 429, 1738855861
Umbral Wildwood - Atropos' Fate Relic Base was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 429, 1738855801
Great March - Dendró Field Relic Base was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 429, 1738855202
Farranac Coast - The Bone Haft Safehouse was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 429, 1738855141
Farranac Coast - The Bone Haft Safehouse was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 429, 1738855021
Great March - Dendró Field Relic Base was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 429, 1738855021
Farranac Coast - The Bone Haft Safehouse was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 429, 1738854841
Farranac Coast - The Bone Haft Safehouse was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 429, 1738854661
Terminus - Therizó Safehouse was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 429, 1738854182
Acrithia - Heir Apparent Relic Base was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 429, 1738854061
Acrithia - Heir Apparent Relic Base was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 428, 1738853941
Terminus - Therizó Safehouse was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 428, 1738853882
Great March - Dendró Field Relic Base was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 428, 1738853521
Farranac Coast - The Bone Haft Safehouse was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 428, 1738853461
Great March - Camp Senti Relic Base was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 428, 1738853341
Acrithia - Legion Ranch Intel Center was Built by Colonials - Game Day 428, 1738853221
Great March - Camp Senti Relic Base was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 428, 1738853161
Great March - Camp Senti Relic Base was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 428, 1738853101
Deadlands - Liberation Point Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 428, 1738852741
Acrithia - Legion Ranch Storm Cannon was Built by Colonials - Game Day 428, 1738852681
Deadlands - Liberation Point Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 428, 1738852621
Great March - Remnant Villa Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 428, 1738852561
Acrithia - Heir Apparent Relic Base was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 428, 1738852441
Great March - Remnant Villa Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 428, 1738852441
Deadlands - Liberation Point Town Base T1 was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 428, 1738852261
Terminus - Therizó Town Base T3 was Upgraded to T3 by Wardens - Game Day 428, 1738852082
Great March - Remnant Villa Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 428, 1738852082
Terminus - Therizó Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 428, 1738851961
The Linn of Mercy - The Prairie Bazaar Town Base T1 was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 428, 1738851841
Acrithia - Legion Ranch Storm Cannon was Built by Colonials - Game Day 428, 1738851781
Westgate - Handsome Hideaway Observation Tower was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 428, 1738851781
Umbral Wildwood - Sentry Town Base T1 was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 428, 1738851541
Acrithia - Heir Apparent Relic Base was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 428, 1738851421
Acrithia - Legion Ranch Storm Cannon was Built by Colonials - Game Day 428, 1738851181
Umbral Wildwood - Sentry Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 428, 1738851121
Acrithia - Heir Apparent Relic Base was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 428, 1738850941
Umbral Wildwood - Sentry Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 428, 1738850821
Loch Mór - Loch Mor Seaport was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 427, 1738849921
Stema Landing - The Wane Relic Base was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 427, 1738849861
Loch Mór - Loch Mor Seaport was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 427, 1738849801
Stema Landing - The Wane Relic Base was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 427, 1738849741
Acrithia - Swordfort Relic Base was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 427, 1738849681
Loch Mór - Mercy's Wish Shipyard was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 427, 1738849561
Acrithia - Swordfort Relic Base was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 427, 1738849561
Loch Mór - Loch Mor Seaport was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 427, 1738849381
Loch Mór - Mercy's Wish Shipyard was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 427, 1738849081
Acrithia - Thetus Ring Town Base T1 was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 427, 1738848901
Great March - Violethome Town Base T1 was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 427, 1738848901
Acrithia - Thetus Ring Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 427, 1738848781
Great March - Violethome Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 427, 1738848781
Acrithia - Swordfort Relic Base was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 427, 1738848481
Acrithia - Thetus Ring Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 427, 1738847941
Great March - Violethome Town Base T1 was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 426, 1738846501
Umbral Wildwood - Sentry Town Base T1 was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 426, 1738845961
Umbral Wildwood - Sentry Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 426, 1738845841
Umbral Wildwood - Sentry Town Base T1 was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 426, 1738845721
The Linn of Mercy - Fort Duncan Relic Base was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 426, 1738845661
The Linn of Mercy - Fort Duncan Relic Base was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 426, 1738845481
Stema Landing - The Wane Relic Base was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 426, 1738845421
The Linn of Mercy - Fort Duncan Relic Base was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 426, 1738845361
The Linn of Mercy - The Prairie Bazaar Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 426, 1738845361
Stema Landing - The Wane Relic Base was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 426, 1738845301
The Linn of Mercy - The Prairie Bazaar Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 426, 1738845241
The Linn of Mercy - The Prairie Bazaar Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 426, 1738844341
Umbral Wildwood - Sentry Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 426, 1738844281
Stema Landing - The Wane Relic Base was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 426, 1738844161
Umbral Wildwood - Sentry Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 426, 1738844101
Umbral Wildwood - Atropos' Fate Relic Base was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 426, 1738843861
Umbral Wildwood - Atropos' Fate Relic Base was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 426, 1738843741
Great March - Violethome Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 426, 1738843261
Great March - Violethome Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 425, 1738843141
Umbral Wildwood - Atropos' Fate Relic Base was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 425, 1738843081
Deadlands - Liberation Point Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 425, 1738842541
Deadlands - Liberation Point Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 425, 1738842421
Umbral Wildwood - Sentry Town Base T1 was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 425, 1738842361
Deadlands - Brine Glen Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 425, 1738842061
Deadlands - Brine Glen Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 425, 1738842001
Loch Mór - Mercy's Wish Shipyard was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 425, 1738841041
Loch Mór - Mercy's Wish Shipyard was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 425, 1738840741
Deadlands - The Plaza Salvage Mine was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 425, 1738840561
Deadlands - Liberation Point Town Base T1 was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 425, 1738840441
Deadlands - The Plaza Salvage Mine was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 425, 1738840441
Loch Mór - Mercy's Wish Shipyard was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 425, 1738840201
Deadlands - Brine Glen Town Base T1 was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 425, 1738840081
The Linn of Mercy - Outwich Ranch Town Base T2 was Upgraded to T2 by Wardens - Game Day 424, 1738839481
The Linn of Mercy - Outwich Ranch Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 424, 1738839361
Loch Mór - Mercy's Wish Shipyard was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 424, 1738839061
Loch Mór - Mercy's Wish Shipyard was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 424, 1738838941
Acrithia - Swordfort Relic Base was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 424, 1738838341
Acrithia - Thetus Ring Town Base T1 was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 424, 1738838221
Acrithia - Swordfort Relic Base was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 424, 1738838161
Acrithia - Thetus Ring Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 424, 1738838041
The Linn of Mercy - Outwich Ranch Town Base T1 was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 424, 1738837561
Great March - Violethome Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 424, 1738837441
Acrithia - Patridia Safehouse was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 424, 1738837261
Acrithia - Patridia Safehouse was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 424, 1738837081
Acrithia - Patridia Safehouse was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 424, 1738836481
Acrithia - Thetus Ring Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 424, 1738836421
Farranac Coast - Scythe Relic Base was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 423, 1738835341
Farranac Coast - Scythe Relic Base was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 423, 1738835222
Farranac Coast - Scythe Relic Base was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 423, 1738835161
Deadlands - The Pits Relic Base was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 423, 1738835041
Kings Cage - The Manacle Seaport was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 423, 1738834921
Deadlands - The Pits Relic Base was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 423, 1738834861
Farranac Coast - Scythe Relic Base was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 423, 1738834621
Farranac Coast - Scythe Relic Base was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 423, 1738834381
Deadlands - The Pits Relic Base was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 423, 1738834381
Loch Mór - Mercy's Wish Shipyard was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 423, 1738834081
Loch Mór - Mercy's Wish Shipyard was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 423, 1738833541
Kings Cage - The Manacle Seaport was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 423, 1738832521
The Linn of Mercy - The River Mercy Shipyard was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 423, 1738832461
Great March - Camp Senti Relic Base was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 422, 1738831741
Great March - Camp Senti Relic Base was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 422, 1738831561
Great March - Dendró Field Relic Base was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 422, 1738831202
Great March - Dendró Field Relic Base was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 422, 1738831021
Farranac Coast - Scythe Relic Base was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 422, 1738830781
Great March - Sitaria Town Base T1 was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 422, 1738830721
Great March - Sitaria Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 422, 1738830601
Great March - Camp Senti Relic Base was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 422, 1738830422
Great March - Dendró Field Relic Base was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 422, 1738830061
Great March - Sitaria Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 422, 1738829161
The Linn of Mercy - The Long Whine Safehouse was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 421, 1738828441
The Linn of Mercy - The Long Whine Safehouse was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 421, 1738828321
Umbral Wildwood - The Foundry Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 421, 1738827721
Umbral Wildwood - The Foundry Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 421, 1738827601
The Linn of Mercy - The First Coin Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 421, 1738827481
The Linn of Mercy - Outwich Ranch Town Base T2 was Upgraded to T2 by Wardens - Game Day 421, 1738827481
The Linn of Mercy - The First Coin Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 421, 1738827361
The Linn of Mercy - Outwich Ranch Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 421, 1738827361
Speaking Woods - Reaching River Storm Cannon was Built by Wardens - Game Day 421, 1738826401
The Linn of Mercy - The First Coin Town Base T1 was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 421, 1738826281
Kings Cage - Eastknife Relic Base was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 421, 1738825441
Kings Cage - Eastknife Relic Base was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 421, 1738825261
Umbral Wildwood - The Foundry Town Base T1 was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 420, 1738824961
Acrithia - Heir Apparent Relic Base was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 420, 1738824781
Nevish Line - Blackburn Canal Oil Rig was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 420, 1738824361
Acrithia - Heir Apparent Relic Base was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 420, 1738824361
Nevish Line - Blackburn Canal Oil Rig was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 420, 1738824302
Acrithia - Heir Apparent Relic Base was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 420, 1738824302
Kings Cage - Eastknife Relic Base was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 420, 1738824181
Oarbreaker Isles - Fort Fogwood Oil Rig was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 420, 1738823941
Oarbreaker Isles - Fort Fogwood Oil Rig was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 420, 1738823881
Fishermans Row - Hangman's Court Oil Rig was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 420, 1738823342
The Moors - The Cut Safehouse was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 420, 1738823342
Fishermans Row - Hangman's Court Oil Rig was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 420, 1738823281
The Moors - The Cut Safehouse was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 420, 1738823161
Acrithia - Swordfort Relic Base was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 420, 1738822681
Loch Mór - Mercy's Wish Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 420, 1738822321
Great March - Camp Senti Relic Base was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 420, 1738822321
Loch Mór - Mercy's Wish Shipyard was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 420, 1738822141
Loch Mór - Mercy's Wish Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 420, 1738822141
Kings Cage - The Bailie Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 420, 1738822081
Great March - Camp Senti Relic Base was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 420, 1738822081
Kings Cage - The Bailie Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 420, 1738821962
Great March - Remnant Villa Town Base T1 was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 419, 1738820701
Great March - Remnant Villa Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 419, 1738820581
Westgate - The Gallows Town Base T2 was Upgraded to T2 by Colonials - Game Day 419, 1738820221
Great March - Camp Senti Relic Base was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 419, 1738820221
Westgate - The Gallows Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 419, 1738820101
Loch Mór - Mercy's Wish Shipyard was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 419, 1738819861
Great March - Remnant Villa Town Base T1 was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 419, 1738819741
Loch Mór - Mercy's Wish Shipyard was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 419, 1738818841
Acrithia - Heir Apparent Relic Base was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 419, 1738818721
Kings Cage - The Bailie Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 419, 1738818601
Acrithia - Heir Apparent Relic Base was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 419, 1738818601
Loch Mór - Mercy's Wish Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 419, 1738818242
Loch Mór - Mercy's Wish Safehouse was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 419, 1738818182
Loch Mór - Mercy's Wish Storage Facility was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 419, 1738818061
Loch Mór - Mercy's Wish Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 419, 1738818061
Acrithia - Heir Apparent Relic Base was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 418, 1738817821
Umbral Wildwood - The Foundry Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 418, 1738817522
Umbral Wildwood - The Foundry Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 418, 1738817403
The Linn of Mercy - Fort Duncan Relic Base was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 418, 1738816381
The Linn of Mercy - Fort Duncan Relic Base was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 418, 1738816261
The Linn of Mercy - Fort Duncan Relic Base was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 418, 1738816201
Umbral Wildwood - The Foundry Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 418, 1738815901
The Linn of Mercy - The Prairie Bazaar Town Base T1 was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 418, 1738815661
The Linn of Mercy - The Prairie Bazaar Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 418, 1738815541
The Linn of Mercy - The Prairie Bazaar Town Base T1 was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 418, 1738815301
Loch Mór - Mercy's Wish Mortar House was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 417, 1738813921
Great March - Violethome Town Base T1 was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 417, 1738812781
Great March - Leto Town Base T1 was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 417, 1738811221
Great March - Leto Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 417, 1738811101
Westgate - Longstone Seaport was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 417, 1738810921
Westgate - Longstone Seaport was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 416, 1738810561
Umbral Wildwood - Hermit's Rest Storm Cannon was Built by Wardens - Game Day 416, 1738810321
Umbral Wildwood - Hermit's Rest Storm Cannon was Built by Wardens - Game Day 416, 1738809601
Great March - Leto Town Base T1 was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 416, 1738809361
Acrithia - Swordfort Relic Base was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 416, 1738809181
Acrithia - Swordfort Relic Base was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 416, 1738809002
Acrithia - Heir Apparent Relic Base was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 416, 1738808821
Acrithia - Heir Apparent Relic Base was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 416, 1738808701
Acrithia - Heir Apparent Relic Base was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 416, 1738808281
Loch Mór - Pockfields Storm Cannon was Built by Colonials - Game Day 416, 1738807981
Great March - Violethome Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 416, 1738807321
Acrithia - Swordfort Relic Base was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 415, 1738807021
The Linn of Mercy - Fort Duncan Relic Base was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 415, 1738806961
Acrithia - Heir Apparent Relic Base was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 415, 1738806901
The Linn of Mercy - Fort Duncan Relic Base was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 415, 1738806781
The Linn of Mercy - The Prairie Bazaar Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 415, 1738806661
Acrithia - Heir Apparent Relic Base was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 415, 1738806661
The Linn of Mercy - The Prairie Bazaar Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 415, 1738806541
The Linn of Mercy - Fort Duncan Relic Base was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 415, 1738806481
The Linn of Mercy - The River Mercy Shipyard was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 415, 1738806481
Great March - Violethome Town Base T1 was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 415, 1738806302
Acrithia - Thetus Ring Town Base T1 was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 415, 1738805941
Acrithia - Thetus Ring Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 415, 1738805821
Deadlands - Abandoned Ward Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 415, 1738805701
Acrithia - Heir Apparent Relic Base was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 415, 1738805641
Deadlands - Abandoned Ward Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 415, 1738805581
Great March - Leto Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 415, 1738805281
Great March - Leto Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 415, 1738805161
Loch Mór - Pockfields Storm Cannon was Built by Colonials - Game Day 415, 1738804801
Great March - Violethome Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 415, 1738804741
Great March - Camp Senti Relic Base was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 415, 1738804621
Great March - Violethome Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 415, 1738804621
Great March - Leto Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 415, 1738804502
Great March - Camp Senti Relic Base was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 415, 1738804441
Westgate - Handsome Hideaway Observation Tower was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 414, 1738803601
Great March - Camp Senti Relic Base was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 414, 1738803541
Westgate - Handsome Hideaway Observation Tower was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 414, 1738803481
Great March - Sitaria Town Base T1 was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 414, 1738803301
Westgate - Handsome Hideaway Observation Tower was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 414, 1738803181
Great March - Sitaria Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 414, 1738803181
Deadlands - Abandoned Ward Town Base T1 was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 414, 1738803061
Great March - Sitaria Town Base T1 was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 414, 1738802761
Umbral Wildwood - Sentry Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 414, 1738802641
Umbral Wildwood - Sentry Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 414, 1738802521
Umbral Wildwood - Sentry Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 414, 1738802461
Acrithia - Thetus Ring Town Base T1 was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 414, 1738801321
Loch Mór - Pockfields Storm Cannon was Built by Colonials - Game Day 414, 1738801201
Deadlands - The Salt Farms Mortar House was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 414, 1738800181
Deadlands - The Salt Farms Storage Facility was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 414, 1738800061
Deadlands - The Salt Farms Safehouse was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 413, 1738799941
Great March - Leto Town Base T1 was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 413, 1738799821
Great March - Leto Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 413, 1738799701
Westgate - Fand's Chain Shipyard was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 413, 1738799281
Deadlands - The Salt Farms Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 413, 1738798621
Deadlands - The Salt Farms Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 413, 1738798441
Great March - Leto Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 413, 1738798441
Great March - Sitaria Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 413, 1738798441
Great March - Sitaria Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 413, 1738798321
Great March - Sitaria Town Base T1 was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 413, 1738798261
Deadlands - The Salt Farms Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 413, 1738797902
Westgate - Handsome Hideaway Shipyard was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 413, 1738797661
Stonecradle - Buckler Sound Safehouse was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 413, 1738797241
Acrithia - Duelling Kegs Intel Center was Built by Colonials - Game Day 413, 1738797241
Stonecradle - Buckler Sound Safehouse was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 413, 1738797061
Great March - Camp Senti Relic Base was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 413, 1738796881
Great March - Camp Senti Relic Base was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 413, 1738796701
Stonecradle - Buckler Sound Safehouse was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 413, 1738796581
Deadlands - The Salt Farms Mortar House was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 413, 1738796521
Deadlands - The Salt Farms Mortar House was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 412, 1738796402
Umbral Wildwood - Sentry Town Base T1 was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 412, 1738796161
Umbral Wildwood - Sentry Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 412, 1738796041
The Linn of Mercy - The Last Grove Relic Base was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 412, 1738795981
Great March - Leto Town Base T1 was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 412, 1738795981
The Linn of Mercy - The Last Grove Relic Base was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 412, 1738795861
Great March - Leto Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 412, 1738795861
Westgate - Westgate Keep Oil Rig was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 412, 1738795561
Umbral Wildwood - The Foundry Town Base T1 was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 412, 1738795501
The Linn of Mercy - The Last Grove Relic Base was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 412, 1738795441
Umbral Wildwood - The Foundry Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 412, 1738795381
Deadlands - The Salt Farms Storage Facility was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 412, 1738795261
Deadlands - The Salt Farms Storage Facility was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 412, 1738795141
Farranac Coast - Victa Salvage Mine was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 412, 1738794901
Great March - Leto Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 412, 1738794841
Farranac Coast - Victa Salvage Mine was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 412, 1738794781
Umbral Wildwood - Sentry Town Base T1 was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 412, 1738794541
Kings Cage - The Manacle Hospital was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 412, 1738794181
Stonecradle - Fading Lights Safehouse was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 412, 1738794061
Kings Cage - The Manacle Hospital was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 412, 1738793881
Stonecradle - Fading Lights Safehouse was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 412, 1738793881
Deadlands - The Salt Farms Safehouse was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 412, 1738793761
Deadlands - The Salt Farms Safehouse was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 412, 1738793581
Umbral Wildwood - The Foundry Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 412, 1738793161
Deadlands - The Salt Farms Safehouse was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 412, 1738793101
Umbral Wildwood - Sentry Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 412, 1738792921
Umbral Wildwood - Sentry Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 411, 1738792801
Kings Cage - The Manacle Hospital was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738792741
Deadlands - Abandoned Ward Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 411, 1738792561
Deadlands - Abandoned Ward Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 411, 1738792441
Umbral Wildwood - Atropos' Fate Relic Base was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 411, 1738792381
Westgate - Wyattwick Relic Base was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738792321
Umbral Wildwood - Atropos' Fate Relic Base was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 411, 1738792261
Westgate - Wyattwick Relic Base was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738792141
Kings Cage - The Bailie Town Base T1 was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738792021
Kings Cage - The Bailie Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738791901
Westgate - Wyattwick Relic Base was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 411, 1738791841
Westgate - Zeus' Demise Relic Base was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738791841
Acrithia - Thetus Ring Safehouse was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738791781
Umbral Wildwood - Atropos' Fate Relic Base was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738791721
Umbral Wildwood - Atropos' Fate Relic Base was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738791601
Westgate - Zeus' Demise Relic Base was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738791601
Kings Cage - The Bailie Town Base T1 was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 411, 1738791541
Terminus - Rising Loom Safehouse was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 411, 1738791421
Umbral Wildwood - Atropos' Fate Relic Base was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738791361
Terminus - Rising Loom Safehouse was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 411, 1738791241
Terminus - Rising Loom Safehouse was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 411, 1738791180
Westgate - Wyattwick Relic Base was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 411, 1738791180
Umbral Wildwood - Sentry Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738791121
Deadlands - Abandoned Ward Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738791121
Westgate - Wyattwick Relic Base was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 411, 1738791061
Westgate - Longstone Coastal Gun was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738790641
Westgate - Longstone Seaport was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738790641
Westgate - Wyattwick Relic Base was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738790580
Westgate - Longstone Seaport was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738790521
Westgate - Longstone Coastal Gun was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738790521
The Linn of Mercy - Ulster Falls Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 411, 1738790461
The Linn of Mercy - Ulster Falls Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 411, 1738790341
Acrithia - Thetus Ring Hospital was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738790341
Deadlands - Abandoned Ward Town Base T1 was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738790281
Deadlands - Abandoned Ward Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738790161
Acrithia - Thetus Ring Storage Facility was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738790101
Acrithia - Thetus Ring Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 411, 1738790101
The Linn of Mercy - Ulster Falls Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738790041
Acrithia - Thetus Ring Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 411, 1738789981
Tempest Island - Blackwatch Observation Tower was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 411, 1738789921
Acrithia - Thetus Ring Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738789861
Tempest Island - Blackwatch Observation Tower was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 411, 1738789801
Westgate - Longstone Coastal Gun was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738789741
The Linn of Mercy - Ulster Falls Town Base T1 was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738789681
The Linn of Mercy - Ulster Falls Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738789561
Umbral Wildwood - The Foundry Town Base T1 was Taken by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738789501
The Linn of Mercy - Ulster Falls Town Base T1 was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 411, 1738789501
Umbral Wildwood - The Foundry Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 411, 1738789381
Acrithia - Thetus Ring Town Base T2 was Upgraded to T2 by Colonials - Game Day 410, 1738788841
Umbral Wildwood - The Foundry Town Base T1 was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 410, 1738788781
Acrithia - Swordfort Relic Base was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 410, 1738788721
Acrithia - Thetus Ring Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 410, 1738788721
Westgate - Zeus' Demise Relic Base was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 410, 1738788721
Deadlands - Abandoned Ward Town Base T1 was Lost by Wardens - Game Day 410, 1738788721
Acrithia - Thetus Ring Town Base T1 was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 410, 1738788661
Westgate - Longstone Seaport was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 410, 1738788661
Westgate - Zeus' Demise Relic Base was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 410, 1738788602
Acrithia - Swordfort Relic Base was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 410, 1738788541
Westgate - Longstone Seaport was Under Construction by Colonials - Game Day 410, 1738788541
Acrithia - Swordfort Relic Base was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 410, 1738788361
Westgate - Zeus' Demise Relic Base was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 410, 1738788301
Westgate - Longstone Seaport was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 410, 1738788121
Great March - Sitaria Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 410, 1738787701
Great March - Sitaria Town Base T1 was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 410, 1738787581
Great March - Camp Senti Relic Base was Lost by Colonials - Game Day 410, 1738786921
Nevish Line - Blackcoat Way Mortar House was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 410, 1738786801
Nevish Line - Blackcoat Way Mortar House was Under Construction by Wardens - Game Day 410, 1738786681
Deadlands - Abandoned Ward Town Base T1 was Taken by Wardens - Game Day 410, 1738786681